But what is fork on blockchain?
A firkin is a small barrel while a blockchain is the underlying technology that powers cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin. But what is fork on blockchain? Fork on blockchain sounds like a complete paradox; you're talking about small barrels and huge blockchains, right? Fork doesn't have to just be a word that you read in the news regarding Bitcoin. Fork actually has an application in the cryptocurrency world and they allow you to do different things with your coins. I'm sure you've heard the term forking in terms of cryptocurrency. But a firkin? Never. Yet, this is exactly what happened in the Bitcoin Cash network. You see, a fork takes place when developers decide they want to go down adifferent path than other cryptocurrency users by splitting up the network. A fork usually means old software is no longer compatible with the new platform and new software has to be installed. So, that's what happened today on blockchain. In the context of cryptocurrencies, a...